How to Cook Frozen Pizza on Blackstone Griddle

How to Cook Frozen Pizza on Blackstone Griddle: Crispy Perfection Guaranteed

To cook frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle, preheat the griddle, place the pizza directly on the hot griddle, and cook until the crust is crispy and the cheese is melted and bubbly. Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle is a quick and easy way to enjoy a delicious meal.

The high heat from the griddle ensures a crispy crust while melting the cheese to gooey perfection. No need to preheat the oven or wait for it to preheat – simply preheat the griddle, place the frozen pizza directly on the hot surface, and let it cook until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Whether you prefer classic cheese pizza or loaded with toppings, the Blackstone griddle provides even heat distribution for a perfectly cooked frozen pizza every time. So, fire up the griddle and get ready to savor a mouthwatering slice.

Why Use A Blackstone Griddle For Frozen Pizza?

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle offers a convenient and delicious alternative to baking it in the oven. The even heat distribution and large surface area of the griddle ensures perfectly crispy crust and melted toppings in no time.

Crispy Crust And Perfectly Melted Cheese

  • The Blackstone Griddle is the secret to achieving a crispy crust and perfectly melted cheese on your frozen pizza. Here’s why:
  • High heat retention: The griddle’s thick and heavy surface retains heat efficiently, ensuring that your pizza crust gets that desired crispness while the cheese melts to perfection.
  • Even heat distribution: The heat spreads evenly across the griddle’s surface, preventing any cold spots that could result in undercooked areas on your pizza.
  • Direct contact cooking: Placing the frozen pizza directly on the griddle allows for direct contact cooking, ensuring that the crust gets crispy from the bottom up while the cheese melts uniformly.
  • Adjustable temperature control: The Blackstone Griddle enables you to control the heat precisely, giving you the flexibility to achieve the perfect balance between a crispy crust and ooey-gooey melted cheese.

Even Heat Distribution And Quick Cooking Time

  • When it comes to cooking frozen pizza, even heat distribution and quick cooking time are two key advantages of using a Blackstone Griddle:
  • Rapid preheating: The griddle heats up quickly, allowing you to start cooking your frozen pizza in no time.
  • Consistent heat: The griddle’s surface evenly distributes heat, ensuring that every inch of your pizza cooks at the same rate.
  • Eliminating hot spots: Uneven cooking can be a common issue when using other cooking methods. However, due to the griddle’s design, you can say goodbye to the frustration of an overdone or underdone pizza.
  • Reduced cooking time: The Blackstone Griddle’s efficient heat transfer shortens the cooking time for frozen pizza, allowing you to enjoy your meal sooner.

Versatility For Different Pizza Toppings And Styles

  • The Blackstone Griddle’s versatility extends beyond just cooking a frozen pizza. Here’s why it’s perfect for accommodating different pizza toppings and styles:
  • More surface area: The griddle’s spacious surface provides ample space for a variety of pizza toppings, allowing you to get creative with your culinary creations.
  • Customization: You have the freedom to experiment with various toppings, from classic cheese and pepperoni to gourmet combinations that will impress your taste buds.
  • Crust options: Whether you prefer thin and crispy or thick and doughy crust, the griddle lets you achieve the perfect texture for your preferred pizza style.
  • Easy flipping: Want to add some extra toppings or make a stuffed crust pizza? The griddle’s flat surface and generous size make flipping your pizza a breeze, ensuring that all your toppings stay intact.

By using a Blackstone Griddle for cooking frozen pizza, you can achieve a crispy crust and perfectly melted cheese, thanks to its high heat retention and even heat distribution. Additionally, the griddle’s quick cooking time and versatility make it a great option for various pizza toppings and styles.

So why settle for anything less when you can enjoy a restaurant-quality pizza right at home with the help of a Blackstone Griddle?

How to Cook Frozen Pizza on Blackstone Griddle: Crispy Perfection Guaranteed


Preparing Your Blackstone Griddle

To cook frozen pizza on your Blackstone Griddle, properly prepare it by preheating the griddle and adding some oil for a crispy crust. Cook the pizza directly on the griddle for a few minutes on each side until it is heated thoroughly and golden brown.

Enjoy a delicious homemade pizza right from your griddle!

Before you can start cooking your frozen pizza on the Blackstone Griddle, you need to make sure it is properly prepared. Here’s how you can get your griddle ready for the delicious task ahead:

Cleaning And Preheating The Griddle:

  • Clean the griddle surface thoroughly with warm soapy water to remove any dirt, debris, or residues. Rinse it off and dry it completely.
  • Once the griddle is clean, preheat it on medium-high heat for about 10-15 minutes. This will help remove any remaining moisture and ensure an even cooking surface.

Adding Oil Or Cooking Spray To Prevent Sticking:

  • After preheating the griddle, apply a thin layer of oil or cooking spray. This will help create a non-stick surface and prevent the frozen pizza from sticking while cooking.
  • Use a heat-resistant brush or a clean cloth to evenly spread the oil or spray across the griddle surface.

Adjusting The Heat For Optimal Cooking Temperature:

  • Depending on the type of frozen pizza you’re cooking, the optimal cooking temperature may vary. Refer to the package instructions for the recommended temperature range.
  • Start by setting the griddle to medium heat and adjust accordingly. Too high heat can burn the crust while low heat may not cook the pizza properly.
  • Keep an eye on the pizza while it’s cooking and make adjustments as needed to maintain the right temperature.

By properly preparing your Blackstone Griddle, you’ll create the ideal cooking surface for your frozen pizza. Cleaning and preheating, adding oil or cooking spray, and adjusting the heat will ensure your pizza cooks to perfection. Get ready to enjoy a delicious slice of crispy, cheesy goodness!

Step-By-Step Guide To Cooking Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle

Learn the step-by-step process of cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle with this comprehensive guide. From preheating the griddle to achieving a perfectly crisp crust, this tutorial will help you master the art of cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle.

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle is a convenient and tasty option when you’re craving a quick meal. With a few simple steps, you can have a perfectly cooked pizza with a crispy crust and melted cheese. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle, from selecting the right pizza to adding toppings during the cooking process.

Selecting The Right Frozen Pizza:

  • Choose a frozen pizza that is suitable for griddle cooking. Look for pizzas with thin crusts, as they tend to cook more evenly and quickly on a griddle.
  • Opt for pizzas with toppings that are less likely to release excessive moisture. This will help prevent a soggy crust and ensure a crispy finished product.
  • Consider the size of the pizza and your griddle. Make sure the pizza fits comfortably on the griddle surface without hanging over the edges.

Thawing Or Not Thawing The Pizza Before Cooking:

  • In most cases, it is recommended to cook frozen pizza directly from frozen, without thawing it beforehand. Thawing can make the crust soggy and affect the overall texture of the pizza.
  • However, if you prefer a slightly softer crust, you can thaw the pizza for a short period of time. Just be cautious not to thaw it completely to avoid compromising the crispiness.

Placing The Pizza On The Griddle And Managing Temperature:

  • Preheat your Blackstone griddle on medium-high heat for about 5-10 minutes. Ensure the griddle is evenly heated before proceeding.
  • Once heated, place the frozen pizza directly on the griddle. Make sure to keep the pizza centered and avoid any toppings hanging over the edges.
  • Close the lid of the griddle to create an oven-like environment. This will help melt the cheese and cook the toppings evenly.
  • Adjust the temperature as needed during the cooking process to avoid burning the crust. Lower the heat if the crust is browning too quickly, or increase it if the pizza is not cooking evenly.

Monitoring The Cooking Time And Flipping The Pizza:

  • Keep a close eye on the pizza as it cooks. Cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the pizza, as well as the temperature of your griddle.
  • As a general guideline, expect the pizza to cook for around 10-15 minutes. However, make sure to test the readiness by lifting the edge of the crust with a spatula to check for a golden brown color and a crispy texture.
  • Flip the pizza carefully using a spatula or tongs once the bottom crust is cooked. This will help achieve an evenly cooked crust on both sides.
  • Cook the pizza for an additional few minutes after flipping, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly, and the toppings are heated through.

Adding Toppings Or Garnishes During The Cooking Process:

  • Get creative with your pizza by adding extra toppings or garnishes during the cooking process. This is a great way to customize your pizza and take it to the next level.
  • Consider toppings like fresh basil leaves, sliced tomatoes, or grated Parmesan cheese. Just make sure to add these toppings towards the end of the cooking process to prevent them from burning or becoming overly crispy.

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle is a simple and enjoyable process. By following this step-by-step guide, you can enjoy delicious homemade pizza with the convenience of cooking it on your griddle. Experiment with different toppings and crust varieties to create your perfect pizza every time.

Tips And Tricks For Achieving Crispy Perfection

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle can result in crispy perfection. Discover tips and tricks for achieving the best results with this easy method.

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone Griddle can be a quick and convenient way to enjoy a delicious meal. However, to achieve that crispy perfection, there are a few tips and tricks that you should keep in mind. Whether you’re using a pizza stone or baking steel, experimenting with different cheese and sauce combinations, avoiding excessive toppings, or adding a touch of smokiness with wood chips or pellets, these techniques will elevate your frozen pizza experience.

Read on to discover how you can take your frozen pizza cooking skills to the next level!

Using A Pizza Stone Or Baking Steel For Added Heat Retention:

  • Preheat your pizza stone or baking steel on the griddle for about 10-15 minutes before cooking the frozen pizza.
  • The heat retention capability of a pizza stone or baking steel helps to ensure a more even and crispy crust.
  • Place the frozen pizza directly on the preheated stone or steel for optimal heat transfer.
  • The stone or steel will absorb any excess moisture, resulting in a crisper crust.

Experimenting With Different Cheese And Sauce Combinations:

  • Get creative with your frozen pizza toppings by trying out different types of cheese and sauces.
  • Mozzarella is a classic choice, but you can also experiment with blends like cheddar, provolone, or even goat cheese for added flavor.
  • Try alternative sauces such as barbecue sauce, pesto, or ranch dressing to give your pizza a unique twist.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix and match different cheese and sauce combinations to find your perfect flavor profile.

Avoiding Excessive Toppings That May Hinder Cooking:

  • While it may be tempting to load up your frozen pizza with lots of toppings, keep in mind that excessive toppings can hinder the cooking process.
  • Stick to the recommended amount of toppings specified on the pizza packaging to ensure even cooking.
  • Too many toppings can weigh down the crust and make it more difficult for the heat to penetrate, resulting in an undercooked or soggy pizza.
  • Remember, less is often more when it comes to frozen pizza toppings.

Adding A Touch Of Smokiness With Wood Chips Or Pellets:

  • If you enjoy a smoky flavor, consider adding wood chips or pellets to your Blackstone griddle.
  • Soak the wood chips or pellets in water for at least 30 minutes before using them to prevent them from burning too quickly.
  • Place the soaked wood chips or pellets in a smoker box or aluminum foil pouch and position it on the griddle.
  • As the wood chips or pellets begin to smoke, place your frozen pizza on the griddle and let it cook as usual.
  • The smoky aroma will infuse into the pizza, adding an extra layer of flavor to your crispy creation.

By following these tips and tricks, your frozen pizza will come out of the Blackstone griddle with a perfectly crispy crust and delicious toppings. So go ahead, get creative with your cheese and sauce combinations, control your toppings, and give it a smoky twist if you’re feeling adventurous.

Enjoy the ultimate crispy perfection every time you cook frozen pizza on your Blackstone griddle!

Final Thoughts

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle is a convenient and delicious option. Simply preheat the griddle, place the frozen pizza on it, and cook until crispy and golden. Enjoy a quick and tasty meal in no time.

The Convenience And Delicious Results Of Cooking Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle

Who doesn’t love a hot and crispy pizza straight from the oven? But what if you’re in a hurry or don’t want to heat up your kitchen? Enter the Blackstone Griddle, the perfect solution for cooking frozen pizza to perfection.

Whether you’re using a traditional frozen pizza or trying out some gourmet options, the Blackstone Griddle offers convenience and delivers delicious results. Let’s dive into why this cooking method is a game-changer.

Cooking Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle: Benefits And Tips

  • Faster cooking time: The high heat of the Blackstone Griddle ensures that your frozen pizza cooks faster compared to conventional methods. Say goodbye to waiting for your oven to preheat and then spending 15-20 minutes for the pizza to bake. With the griddle, your pizza is ready in no time.
  • Crispy crust: The direct heat produced by the griddle creates a wonderfully crispy crust, replicating the texture of brick oven-baked pizzas. The even distribution of heat ensures that every bite is filled with that satisfying crunch.
  • Versatility: The beauty of using a Blackstone Griddle is that it can accommodate various sizes and shapes of frozen pizzas. Whether you have a personal-sized pizza or a family-size pie, the griddle can handle it all. You can even experiment with different types of crusts and toppings to suit your taste.
  • Customizable toppings: Cooking frozen pizza on a griddle allows for easy customization. You can add extra cheese, fresh veggies, or any other toppings of your choice halfway through the cooking process. This flexibility ensures that everyone gets their perfect slice.
  • Outdoor cooking option: If you’re planning a BBQ or a gathering in your backyard, the Blackstone Griddle can be a star player. You can impress your guests by cooking up some delicious frozen pizzas while enjoying the great outdoors.

Precautions To Consider When Using A Blackstone Griddle

  • Proper seasoning: Before using your Blackstone Griddle for the first time, make sure to season it properly. This step helps create a non-stick surface, preventing your pizza from sticking to the griddle and ensuring easy cleanup.
  • Temperature control: Adjusting the heat on your griddle is crucial to achieving the perfect pizza. It’s recommended to preheat the griddle at medium heat, around 325°F to 350°F. This temperature ensures that the pizza cooks evenly without burning the bottom or leaving the center undercooked.
  • Monitoring cooking time: While the Blackstone Griddle offers faster cooking times, it’s essential to monitor your pizza closely to avoid overcooking. Keep an eye on the crust’s color and the cheese’s melting progress to ensure a perfectly cooked pizza.
  • Utilizing a pizza stone: To further enhance the crust’s crispiness, you can place a pizza stone on your griddle before cooking. The stone absorbs excess moisture and helps create a professional-grade crust.
  • Clean-up process: Cleaning the Blackstone Griddle after each use is important to maintain its performance. While the griddle is still warm, use a scraper or spatula to remove any food particles. Then, wipe the surface with a damp cloth or paper towel. Avoid using abrasive cleaners to prevent damage to the griddle’s surface.

Get Ready For Delicious Frozen Pizzas On Your Blackstone Griddle

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone Griddle is a game-changer in terms of convenience and taste. With faster cooking times, a crispy crust, and the freedom to customize toppings, this cooking method is perfect for pizza lovers on the go.

Just remember to season your griddle, control the temperature, and keep a close eye on the cooking process. Now, get your favorite frozen pizza ready, fire up the griddle, and indulge in a slice of pizza perfection. Enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Cook Frozen Pizza On Blackstone Griddle

How Do You Cook Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Grill?

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone grill is easy. Preheat the grill, place the pizza on the griddle, and cook until crust is crispy and cheese is melted.

How Long To Cook Frozen Pizza On Blackstone Griddle?

Frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle cooks in about 10-15 minutes, depending on thickness and toppings.

How Do You Cook A Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle?

To cook a pizza on a Blackstone griddle, preheat it, place the pizza on the griddle, and cook until it’s crispy and golden brown.

Can You Cook Frozen Foods On A Blackstone Griddle?

Yes, you can cook frozen foods on a Blackstone griddle.

Can You Cook Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle?

Yes, you can cook frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle. It’s a convenient and delicious option.

How Do You Cook Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle?

To cook frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle, preheat the griddle to medium heat, place the pizza directly on the griddle, and cook for the recommended time until the crust is crispy and the cheese is melted.

What Temperature Should You Cook Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle?

It is recommended to cook frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle at a medium heat temperature setting, around 375-400 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Long Does It Take To Cook Frozen Pizza On A Blackstone Griddle?

On average, frozen pizza takes about 10-15 minutes to cook on a Blackstone griddle. However, it may vary depending on the thickness of the crust and the toppings.

Can You Use A Pizza Stone On A Blackstone Griddle?

Yes, you can use a pizza stone on a Blackstone griddle. It helps to distribute heat evenly and provides a crispier crust.

Do You Need To Oil The Blackstone Griddle Before Cooking Frozen Pizza?

It is not necessary to oil the Blackstone griddle before cooking frozen pizza. The pizza’s own oil and the non-stick surface of the griddle are sufficient.


Frozen pizza is a quick and convenient option for a delicious meal, especially when cooked on a Blackstone griddle. The even heat distribution and high temperatures of the griddle allow for a crispy crust and perfectly melted toppings. By following a few simple steps, you can enjoy a restaurant-quality pizza in the comfort of your own home.

First, preheat your Blackstone griddle to ensure it reaches the desired temperature. Once it’s hot enough, place the frozen pizza directly onto the griddle. Keep a close eye on it, as it will cook faster than in a traditional oven.

Use a spatula or tongs to rotate the pizza occasionally, ensuring even cooking. Remember to let the pizza rest for a few minutes before slicing to allow the cheese to set. This will prevent the toppings from sliding off and ensure a more enjoyable eating experience.

Cooking frozen pizza on a Blackstone griddle is a game-changer. It not only saves time but also produces a mouthwatering pizza with a crispy crust and gooey cheese. So, next time you have a craving for pizza, give it a try.

You won’t be disappointed!

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